1. 耶路撒冷書店遭以色列警方突襲,作家因工會 "背叛 "而退出作家協會 Writer quits Society of Authors over union’s ‘betrayal’ of Jerusalem bookshop raided by Israeli police (www.theguardian.com)
3. 曼城未能通過皇馬的考驗 - 足球週刊 Manchester City fail the Real Madrid test – Football Weekly (www.theguardian.com)
4. 萬斯在 CPAC 演講中稱移民是美國和歐洲的 "最大威脅 Vance poses immigrants as ‘greatest threat’ to US and Europe in CPAC speech (www.theguardian.com)
6. 足球報》:基利安-姆巴佩、達爾文-努涅斯和曼城的地獄之周 Football Daily Kylian Mbappé, Darwin Núñez and Manchester City’s week from hell (www.theguardian.com)
7. 墨西哥總統表示,在打擊販毒集團的鬥爭中,墨西哥不會容忍美國的 "入侵"。 Mexico will not stand US ‘invasion’ in fight against cartels, president says (www.theguardian.com)
8. 美國文化戰爭秀來到倫敦--引起歐洲民粹主義者的共鳴 US culture war show comes to London – and strikes a chord with European populists (www.theguardian.com)
9. 露西-布隆茲讚揚西班牙球員在路易斯-魯比亞萊斯受審期間直言不諱 Lucy Bronze praises Spanish players for speaking out during Luis Rubiales trial (www.theguardian.com)
10. 現在是美國人預扣稅款的時候了 Judith Levine It’s time for Americans to withhold their taxes Judith Levine (www.theguardian.com)
11. 達美航空向加拿大空難乘客提供 3 萬美元--"無附加條件 Delta offers 30,000 to passengers in Canada plane flip – ‘no strings attached’ (www.theguardian.com)
12. 詹姆斯-邦德》製片人將 007 的全部創意控制權交給亞馬遜 James Bond producers give Amazon full creative control of 007 (www.theguardian.com)
13. 和我想象的不一樣俄羅斯士兵被派往朝鮮接受醫療護理 ‘Not what I expected’: Russian soldiers sent to North Korea for medical care (www.theguardian.com)
14. 英美資源集團將鑽石公司戴比爾斯的價值減記 29 億美元 Anglo American writes down value of diamond firm De Beers by 2.9bn (www.theguardian.com)
15. 鮮為人知的古拉吉奇(Gullah Geechee)政治家,他推動了第 14 修正案的通過 The little-known Gullah Geechee politician who pushed for the 14th amendment (www.theguardian.com)
16. 歐洲冠軍聯賽回顧:布魯日崛起,意大利人和美國人跌跌撞撞 Champions League review: Brugge rise as Italians and Americans stumble (www.theguardian.com)
17. 據報道,美國國稅局將在報稅高峰期解僱6000名員工 - 美國政治直播 IRS reportedly set to fire 6,000 workers at the height of tax-filing season – US politics live (www.theguardian.com)
18. 英國與挪威就 "雄心勃勃 "的新防務條約進行談判 - 英國政治直播 UK and Norway negotiating ‘ambitious’ new defence pact – UK politics live (www.theguardian.com)
19. 哈馬斯交出人質屍體,以色列迎來 "最艱難的日子之一 ‘One of the hardest days’ in Israel as Hamas hands over hostages’ bodies (www.theguardian.com)
20. 數碼法老和擱淺的海豚:今日照片 - 星期四 Digital pharaohs and stranded dolphins: photos of the day – Thursday (www.theguardian.com)
21. 輸贏》影評--有幾分將成為皮克斯經典之作的感覺 Win or Lose review – at points this feels set to be a Pixar classic (www.theguardian.com)
22. 我愛我的孩子,但我後悔生下他們。我該如何接受為人父母的生活? 引導性問題 I love my kids but I regret having them. How can I accept my life as a parent? Leading questions (www.theguardian.com)
23. 別提戰爭:德國政客隱瞞國防開支真相 Paul Taylor Don’t mention the war: in Germany, politicians are hiding the truth about defence spending Paul Taylor (www.theguardian.com)
24. 騎自行車上學幾乎絕跡--直到一個人復興了自行車公交車 Cycling to school almost became extinct - until one man revived the bike bus (www.theguardian.com)
25. 上訴法院駁回特朗普恢復出生公民權禁令的請求 Appeals court denies Trump’s plea to reinstate birthright citizenship ban (www.theguardian.com)
26. 特朗普和馬斯克凍結 USAid 對全球數百萬人有何影響? How will Trump and Musk’s freeze on USAid affect millions around the world? (www.theguardian.com)
27. 法國外長就烏克蘭問題向全球南方發出基於規則的秩序呼籲 French foreign minister makes rules-based order plea to global south over Ukraine (www.theguardian.com)
28. 自然紀錄片、寵物蜥蜴和監視玩家:《怪物獵人荒野》如何打造一個全新的世界 Nature documentaries, pet lizards and spying on players: how Monster Hunter Wilds built a whole new world (www.theguardian.com)
29. 虛無主義、無政府主義、令人厭惡:山姆-佩金帕(Sam Peckinpah)的 10 部最佳影片排名! Nihilistic, anarchic, repugnant: Sam Peckinpah’s 10 best films – ranked! (www.theguardian.com)
30. 梅西能在堪薩斯城一個非人的寒冷夜晚做到這一點嗎?當然可以 Could Messi do it on an inhumanely cold night in Kansas City? Of course he could (www.theguardian.com)
31. 像黑手黨一樣汗流浹背":意大利呼籲禁止愛沙尼亞的 "冒犯性 "歐洲電視網作品參賽 ‘Sweating like a mafioso’: calls in Italy to bar Estonia’s ‘offensive’ Eurovision entry (www.theguardian.com)
32. 路易斯-魯比亞萊斯被判性侵犯西班牙足球運動員詹妮-埃爾莫索罪名成立 Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexually assaulting Spanish footballer Jenni Hermoso (www.theguardian.com)
33. 艾米莉-桑內特(Emily Sonnett)擁有 100 多頂帽子,是美國國家隊新一代的秘密老將。 With over 100 caps, Emily Sonnett is the USWNT’s secret veteran in a new generation (www.theguardian.com)
34. 在利物浦對陣維拉的恐怖失利後,斯洛特批評努涅斯降低了工作效率 Slot criticises Núñez for dropping work rate after horror Liverpool miss at Villa (www.theguardian.com)
35. 薩姆-芬德人物觀察》評論亞歷克西斯-佩特里迪斯的本週專輯 Sam Fender: People Watching review Alexis Petridis''s album of the week (www.theguardian.com)
36. 羅伯特-西塔勒的《無名咖啡館》評論--戰後維也納迷失的靈魂 The Café With No Name by Robert Seethaler review – lost souls in postwar Vienna (www.theguardian.com)
37. 化石燃料公司耗資 3 億美元起訴綠色和平組織的審判即將開始:司法系統的武器化 Fossil fuel firm’s 300m trial against Greenpeace to begin: ‘Weaponizing the judicial system’ (www.theguardian.com)
38. 他在用大錘敲打":特朗普的選民如何看待他的旋風式開局? ‘He’s taking a sledgehammer to it’: how do Trump voters view his whirlwind start? (www.theguardian.com)
39. 拉維恩-考克斯(Laverne Cox)的《清白》(Clean Slate)以細緻入微的搞笑視角展現了黑人變性人的生活。 Laverne Cox’s Clean Slate offers a nuanced, hilarious view of Black trans life (www.theguardian.com)
40. 這是我最後一期 OFM 專欄。以下是我在自助餐、"乾淨飲食 "和哪些食物不能上桌方面的心得體會。 This is my final OFM column. Here’s what I’ve learned about buffets, ‘clean eating’ and what not to serve food on Jay Rayner (www.theguardian.com)
41. 德國最高法院在版權案中裁定 Birkenstocks 不是藝術品 Birkenstocks are not works of art, top German court rules in copyright case (www.theguardian.com)
42. 全球的關鍵問題不是南北衝突:而是誰支持誰不支持國際法。 The key global issue is not the clash of north and south: it’s who supports international law and who doesn’t Jean-Noël Barrot (www.theguardian.com)
43. 議會鬥毆、可疑血跡和猖獗的毛冠鬣蜥--參加週四測驗 Council brawls, suspicious blood and rampant capybaras – take the Thursday quiz (www.theguardian.com)
44. 彼得-舒梅切爾:"我感覺很優越。我覺得我知道接下來會發生什麼。 Peter Schmeichel: ‘I felt superior. I felt I knew what was going to happen next’ (www.theguardian.com)
45. 公務員正在領導美國的抵抗運動--以 GameStop 為指導 Virginia Heffernan Civil servants are leading the American resistance – with GameStop as a guide Virginia Heffernan (www.theguardian.com)
46. 曝光:管理關塔那摩移民監獄的美國公司被控侵犯人權 Revealed: US firm running Guantánamo migrant jail accused over rights abuses (www.theguardian.com)
47. 在民主與寡頭政治的全球衝突中,美國正在轉換陣營 羅伯特-賴克 In the global clash between democracy and oligarchy, the US is switching sides Robert Reich (www.theguardian.com)
48. 查爾斯-皮勒的 "篡改 "評論--使阿爾茨海默氏症研究脫軌的醜聞 Doctored by Charles Piller review – the scandal that derailed Alzheimer’s research (www.theguardian.com)
49. 如果不是火災,我們就會被飢餓奪去生命":村民們繼續感受著玻利維亞最嚴重野火的餘波 ‘If not fire, we’ll be killed by hunger’: villagers continue to feel fallout from Bolivia’s worst wildfires (www.theguardian.com)
50. 淚流滿面":為什麼說《布里奇特-瓊斯 4》是當代最感人的愛情喜劇? ‘Tears were running down my face’: why Bridget Jones 4 is the most moving romcom of modern times (www.theguardian.com)
51. 專家警告:特朗普解散 USAid 引發全球痘痘緊急狀況的風險 Trump’s dismantling of USAid raises risk of mpox global emergency, experts warn (www.theguardian.com)
52. 古墓麗影 4-VI 重製版》評測--勞拉作品的好壞與悲喜 Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered review – the good, the bad and the gloomy of Lara Croft releases (www.theguardian.com)
53. MLS 2025 預測:梅西和國際米蘭的前景、頂級新人等 MLS 2025 predictions: Messi and Inter Miami’s outlook, top newcomers and more (www.theguardian.com)
54. 這顆小行星撞擊地球的幾率不斷上升。但有四個理由讓我暫時不擔心 Carrie Nugent The chances of this asteroid hitting Earth keep rising. But there are four reasons I’m not worried yet Carrie Nugent (www.theguardian.com)
56. 我們的社區應該美麗":一個人綠化英國樹木荒漠的使命 ‘Our community deserves beauty’: one man’s mission to green a UK tree desert (www.theguardian.com)
57. 儘管存在供應鏈問題,空客仍計劃今年生產 820 架飛機 Airbus plans to make 820 planes this year despite supply chain problems (www.theguardian.com)
58. 唇槍舌戰:誰將贏得奧斯卡最佳獲獎感言獎? War of words: who is winning the Oscar for best acceptance speech? (www.theguardian.com)
59. 俄羅斯何時信守過諾言?烏克蘭人對特朗普結束戰爭的計劃感到憤怒 ‘When has Russia ever kept its promises?’: Ukrainians furious over Trump’s plan to end war (www.theguardian.com)
60. 美國人民:您是否因為政治而改變了購物習慣? People in the US: Have you changed your shopping habits due to politics? (www.theguardian.com)
61. 特朗普的烏克蘭特使將在基輔會見澤連斯基 - 歐洲現場報道 Trump’s Ukraine envoy to meet Zelenskyy in Kyiv amid growing rift – Europe live (www.theguardian.com)
62. 創紀錄的觀眾,創紀錄的轉會:愛爾蘭足球迎來分水嶺 Record crowds, record transfers: Irish football reaches a watershed moment (www.theguardian.com)
63. 屏住呼吸,關注德國:德國大選可能決定歐洲和英國的命運 Martin Kettle Hold your breath and look to Germany: its election could decide the fate of Europe – and the UK Martin Kettle (www.theguardian.com)
64. 2024 年,地球表面有三分之二的地區將出現創紀錄的高溫。查看哪裡以及熱量有多少--可視化 Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record heat in 2024. See where and by how much – visualised (www.theguardian.com)
65. 政治上,這很重要。這對人類很重要":歐內斯特-科爾久違的民權圖片 ‘Politically, it’s important. It’s important for humanity’: the long-lost civil rights images of Ernest Cole (www.theguardian.com)
66. 少數統治:文化戰爭歷險記》,作者:Ash Sarkar - 身份欺詐 Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War by Ash Sarkar – identity fraud (www.theguardian.com)
67. 中東危機實況:哈馬斯將歸還四名以色列人質的遺體,其中包括兩名兒童 Middle East crisis live: Hamas to return bodies of four Israeli hostages, including two children (www.theguardian.com)
68. 向俄羅斯出口飛機零部件的英國公司之一 British firms among those that exported aircraft parts which reached Russia (www.theguardian.com)
69. 北威爾士 Llŷn 半島上的巨人、聖徒和龍 Giants, saints and dragons on the Llyn peninsula in north Wales (www.theguardian.com)
70. 我發誓他們在飛加州滑板運動員--圖片 ‘I could have sworn they were flying’: California skateboarders – in pictures (www.theguardian.com)
71. 舒梅切爾回顧--熱烈慶祝曼聯的偉大丹麥人 Schmeichel review – a spirited celebration of Man United’s great Dane (www.theguardian.com)
72. 在這個充滿種族歧視的黑暗時代,德國左翼帶來了一絲希望 Fatma Aydemir In these dark times of racially charged election campaigns, the German left offers a flicker of hope Fatma Aydemir (www.theguardian.com)
73. 左眼在酸液襲擊中 "融化 "的男子感謝胎盤捐贈者幫助他痊癒 Man whose left eye ‘melted’ in acid attack thanks placenta donor who helped him heal (www.theguardian.com)
74. 密蘇里州男子因在走錯門時槍殺黑人少年而認罪,現已死亡 Missouri man who pleaded guilty in shooting of Black teen at wrong door dies (www.theguardian.com)
75. 曼城 "殭屍化 "的身影在伯納烏出局後陰魂不散 Barney Ronay City’s zombified figures are haunted by ghosts of themselves in Bernabéu exit Barney Ronay (www.theguardian.com)
76. 考古學家在埃及發現一個多世紀以來的首個法老陵墓 Archaeologists discover first pharaoh’s tomb in Egypt in more than a century (www.theguardian.com)
77. 特朗普自稱 "國王 "的社交帖子引發廣泛反彈 Trump receives widespread backlash to social post calling himself ‘king’ (www.theguardian.com)
78. 阿內-斯洛特否認利物浦正在經歷低谷,但承認努涅斯在失球后情緒低落 Arne Slot denies Liverpool are enduring a dip but admits Núñez is low after miss (www.theguardian.com)
79. 我的遠大理想?在愛爾蘭 32 個郡的每個郡都喝上一品脫。 My big ambition? To have a pint in each of Ireland’s 32 counties Adrian Chiles (www.theguardian.com)
80. 登革熱病例增加,菲律賓官員用現金收購蚊子 Philippines officials offer cash for mosquitoes amid rise in dengue cases (www.theguardian.com)
81. 養老金大臣表示,投資於英國搖搖欲墜的公共服務有利於經濟增長 Investment in UK’s crumbling public services is pro-growth, says pensions minister (www.theguardian.com)
82. 讓我們明確一點--美國從未擁有過道德至高無上的地位。有了特朗普,它甚至不再假裝了。 Let’s be clear – the US never had moral supremacy. With Trump, it’s not even pretending any more Owen Jones (www.theguardian.com)
83. 特朗普簽署針對 "非法移民福利 "的行政命令 Trump signs executive order targeting ‘benefits for illegal aliens’ (www.theguardian.com)
84. 報告稱歐洲利用北非可再生能源 "洗綠 Europe greenwashing with north Africa’s renewable energy, report says (www.theguardian.com)
85. 會唱歌的老鼠、便秘的孩子和養育勝過自然:本週科學故事 - 播客 Singing mice, constipated kids and nurture beats nature: science stories of the week – podcast (www.theguardian.com)
86. 報告稱,能源網絡所有者從高額賬單中獲利 39 億英鎊 Energy network owners have made 3.9bn from higher bills, says report (www.theguardian.com)
87. 英國在結束烏克蘭戰爭中能發揮什麼作用?- 政治週刊 What role could the UK play in ending the Ukraine war? – Politics Weekly (www.theguardian.com)
88. 零日》影評--德尼羅的網絡黑客驚悚片趣味十足 Zero Day review – De Niro’s cyberhacking thriller is an astonishing amount of fun (www.theguardian.com)
89. 德國大選受暴力和美國干預影響,極右翼政黨 AfD 備受關注 All eyes on far-right AfD in German election rocked by violence and US interference (www.theguardian.com)
90. 我有很多貢獻白廳舉報人希望重獲工作 ‘I have a lot to contribute’: Whitehall whistleblower wants her job back (www.theguardian.com)
91. 當心蝙蝠":基加利的一座礦井如何成為馬爾堡病毒研究的焦點 ‘Beware of the bat’: how a mine in Kigali became the focus of Marburg virus research (www.theguardian.com)
92. 大麻農場醜聞:無賴出租機構如何毀掉無數家園 The cannabis farm scandal: how a rogue lettings agency destroyed countless homes (www.theguardian.com)
93. 我的獄警生活:"撲面而來的不僅僅是氣味。而是噪音 My life as a prison officer: ‘It wasn’t just the smell that hit you. It was the noise’ (www.theguardian.com)
94. 什麼是天坑,天坑是如何形成的,為什麼薩里的一條街道上會出現天坑? What are sinkholes, how are they formed and why did one appear in a Surrey street? (www.theguardian.com)
95. 氣候危機是澳大利亞的生活成本問題。我們這一代人將首先為此付出代價。 The climate crisis is a cost of living issue for Australia. My generation will be the first to pay for it Anjali Sharma (www.theguardian.com)
96. 在美國摒棄 DEI 的背景下,Meta 和 Google 選擇退出悉尼狂歡節 Meta and Google opt out of Sydney Mardi Gras amid move away from DEI in US (www.theguardian.com)
97. 美國政治簡報:特朗普抨擊澤倫斯基並破壞參議院共和黨人的預算提案 US politics briefing: Trump rails against Zelenskyy and derails Senate Republicans’ budget proposal (www.theguardian.com)
98. 這是審查":澳大利亞國家美術館的大型展覽遮蓋了巴勒斯坦國旗 ‘This is censorship’: Palestinian flags covered up in major exhibition at National Gallery of Australia (www.theguardian.com)
100. 韓國:尹錫烈將成為首位接受刑事審判的現任總統,聽證會即將開始 South Korea: Yoon Suk Yeol to become first sitting president to go on criminal trial as hearings begin (www.theguardian.com)
101. Z 世代員工的不滿情緒是英國國家醫療服務系統的 "定時炸彈 Dissatisfaction among gen Z staff is ‘ticking timebomb’ for NHS (www.theguardian.com)
102. 瓜迪奧拉在皇馬慘敗後說:"我們是今年最糟糕的球隊 ‘We’ve been the worst this year,’ Guardiola says after Real Madrid thrashing (www.theguardian.com)
103. 澳大利亞將 "密切關注 "東海岸發現的中國軍艦的一舉一動 Australia will ‘watch every move’ of Chinese warships detected off east coast (www.theguardian.com)
104. 歐洲冠軍聯賽綜述:PSV 的瑞恩-弗拉明戈淘汰尤文圖斯 Champions League roundup: PSV’s Ryan Flamingo dumps out Juventus (www.theguardian.com)
105. 姆巴佩帽子戲法擊潰曼城,皇馬順利晉級 Mbappé hat-trick rips apart Manchester City to send Real Madrid racing through (www.theguardian.com)
106. 它肯定不會動":另一隻熊將撤離的洛杉磯住宅變成了自己的家 ‘It’s definitely not moving’: another bear makes evacuated LA home its own (www.theguardian.com)
107. 特倫特-亞歷山大-阿諾德在阿斯頓維拉的驚險比賽中為利物浦挽救一分 Trent Alexander-Arnold rescues point for Liverpool in thriller at Aston Villa (www.theguardian.com)
108. Kontinental ''25 評論--羅馬尼亞社會弊病的散兵遊勇式諷刺劇 Kontinental ’25 review – scattergun satire on a tour of Romania’s social ills (www.theguardian.com)
109. 陷入困境的電動汽車製造商尼古拉申請破產保護 Troubled electric vehicle maker Nikola files for bankruptcy protection (www.theguardian.com)
110. 教育部工作人員為特朗普關閉該機構做好準備:每個人都心急如焚 Department of Education workers brace for Trump to shut agency down: ‘Everybody is distraught’ (www.theguardian.com)
111. 律師稱被驅逐的美國人已從巴拿馬城轉移到達連叢林地區 US deportees moved from Panama City to Darién jungle region, lawyer says (www.theguardian.com)
112. 生下別人孩子的佐治亞州婦女起訴試管嬰兒診所 Georgia woman who gave birth to someone else’s baby sues IVF clinic (www.theguardian.com)
113. 博爾索納羅被要求承擔責任,巴西人稱讚民主的力量 Brazilians hail strength of democracy as Bolsonaro is called to account (www.theguardian.com)
114. 美國將墨西哥卡特爾列入外國恐怖組織名單 US adds Mexican cartels to list of foreign terrorist organisations (www.theguardian.com)
115. 特朗普政府取消紐約市交通擁堵收費標準 Trump administration rescinds congestion pricing for New York City (www.theguardian.com)
116. 澤連斯基道出特朗普真相,基輔白宮 "求愛 "告吹 Julian Borger Kyiv’s White House wooing implodes as Zelenskyy tells the truth about Trump Julian Borger (www.theguardian.com)
117. 特朗普的媒體集團就博爾索納羅被起訴一事起訴巴西司法部門 Trump’s media group sues Brazil justice weighing Bolsonaro indictment (www.theguardian.com)
118. 馬克-扎克伯格的慈善機構在向員工保證將繼續開展 DEI 項目之後,又對 DEI 進行了裁撤 Mark Zuckerberg’s charity guts DEI after assuring staff it would continue (www.theguardian.com)
119. 職場貓膩:為什麼 Z 世代會接受工作邀請,然後又對新僱主心存芥蒂? Career catfishing: why gen Z accept job offers – then ghost their new employers (www.theguardian.com)
120. 我的父親一年前去世了--谷歌街景上他的一張照片讓我感到遺憾 Adrian Chiles My dad died a year ago – and a photo of him on Google Street View brought me up short Adrian Chiles (www.theguardian.com)
121. 專家稱,特朗普快速推進化石燃料項目,企圖規避環保法 Trump fast-tracks fossil fuel projects in bid to sidestep environmental law, say experts (www.theguardian.com)
122. 皇家馬德里對陣曼城:歐洲冠軍聯賽附加賽第二回合--直播 Real Madrid v Manchester City: Champions League playoff round, second leg – live (www.theguardian.com)
123. 丹麥將斥資數十億美元用於國防,理由是擔心俄羅斯重整軍備 Denmark to spend billions on defence, citing fears over Russian rearmament (www.theguardian.com)
125. 印度警方鎮壓不同政見者,克什米爾數百本書籍被沒收 Hundreds of books seized from stores in Kashmir as Indian police crack down on dissent (www.theguardian.com)
126. 足球報》拉斐爾-託洛伊(Rafael Tolói)在一代人的崩潰中滑倒並迷失方向 Football Daily Rafael Tolói slips up and loses the plot in a generational meltdown (www.theguardian.com)
127. 他們沒有去迎接他":獲釋的以色列人質講述了這一毀滅性的消息 ‘They weren’t there to greet him’: freed Israeli hostage told devastating news (www.theguardian.com)
128. 研究顯示:冰川融化導致本世紀海平面上升近 2 釐米 Melting glaciers cause almost 2cm of sea level rise this century, study reveals (www.theguardian.com)
129. 在羅馬發現畢加索和倫勃朗畫作的秘密作坊 Secret workshop where Picassos and Rembrandts were forged found in Rome (www.theguardian.com)
130. 記者就間諜軟件指控對意大利政府提起訴訟 Journalists launch legal action against Italian government over spyware claims (www.theguardian.com)
131. 蘋果公司推出 iPhone 16e,並放棄了主頁按鈕 Apple launches iPhone 16e and ditches home button (www.theguardian.com)
132. 博爾索納羅被起訴,巴西熱帶國家特朗普面臨牢獄之災 Bolsonaro indictment leaves Brazil’s tropical Trump staring at prospect of jail (www.theguardian.com)
133. 哈馬斯提出,如果同意下一階段停火,將向以色列移交所有人質 Hamas offers handover of all hostages to Israel if next phase of ceasefire agreed (www.theguardian.com)
134. 尼日利亞起訴加密貨幣巨頭 Binance,要求賠償 815 億美元的經濟損失和補繳稅款 Nigeria sues crypto giant Binance for 81.5bn in economic losses and back tax (www.theguardian.com)
135. 運動人士警告說,歐盟對農業戰略的全面修訂忽視了重要的綠色建議 EU overhaul of farming strategy ignores vital green proposals, campaigners warn (www.theguardian.com)
136. 微軟表示:拓撲導體芯片可能帶來量子計算突破 Topoconductor chip could bring quantum computing breakthrough, says Microsoft (www.theguardian.com)
137. 梅根重塑品牌形象--這是她向小市民們推銷自己的又一次勇敢嘗試 Emma Brockes Meghan’s rebranded herself – and it’s another valiant attempt to flog poshness to the little people Emma Brockes (www.theguardian.com)
138. 愛情、火箭和媒體攻擊:特朗普和馬斯克在福克斯新聞臺上演 "毒舌 "大戲 Love, rockets and media attacks: Trump and Musk bring their toxic bromance to Fox News (www.theguardian.com)
139. 產房裡的能量太瘋狂了瑪吉-香農的最佳照片 ‘The energy in the delivery room was insane’: Maggie Shannon’s best photograph (www.theguardian.com)
140. 付費獲得播放列表?對 Spotify "發現模式 "的指責 Pay to get playlisted? The accusations against Spotify’s Discovery Mode (www.theguardian.com)
141. Drømmer》(《夢》)影評--青少年對浪漫的殷切希望讓成年人亂了陣腳 Drømmer (Dreams) review – teen’s high romantic hopes throw adults into disarray (www.theguardian.com)
142. 亞特蘭大隊的拉克曼在點球被撲出後抨擊主教練的 "傷人 "言論 Atalanta’s Lookman hits out at manager’s ‘hurtful’ jibe after penalty is saved (www.theguardian.com)
143. 澤倫斯基稱特朗普生活在俄羅斯的 "虛假信息泡沫 "中 Zelenskyy says Trump is living in a Russian ‘disinformation bubble’ (www.theguardian.com)
144. 凱爾特人在拜仁的心碎和歐洲冠軍聯賽季後賽的混亂:足球週刊 - 播客 Celtic’s heartbreak at Bayern and Champions League playoff chaos: Football Weekly - podcast (www.theguardian.com)
145. 低溫和檸檬節:今日照片 - 星期三 Freezing temperatures and a lemon festival: photos of the day – Wednesday (www.theguardian.com)
146. 歐洲期待德國發揮領導作用--但這些選舉將使其希望再次破滅 Cas Mudde Europe is looking to Germany for leadership – but these elections will dash its hopes again Cas Mudde (www.theguardian.com)
147. 即使是特朗普也能被說服推進人權--你只需知道該按哪個按鈕 Kenneth Roth Even Trump can be cajoled into advancing human rights – you just have to know which buttons to press Kenneth Roth (www.theguardian.com)
148. 烏干達藝術中心為非洲最大的難民營帶來和諧 The Ugandan arts centre bringing harmony to Africa’s biggest refugee camp (www.theguardian.com)
149. 特朗普顛覆對俄政策,里根時代的共和黨人大吃一驚 Reagan-era Republicans aghast as Trump turns Russia policy on its head (www.theguardian.com)
150. 核實唐納德-特朗普關於烏克蘭戰爭的說法 Factchecking Donald Trump’s claims about the war in Ukraine (www.theguardian.com)
151. 發展中國家敦促富裕國家抵制特朗普的 "氣候虛無主義 Developing world urges rich nations to defy Trump’s ‘climate nihilism’ (www.theguardian.com)
153. 馬斯克在與特朗普的親密聯合採訪中吹噓 "粉碎官僚主義" - 美國政治直播 Musk boasts about ‘thrashing bureaucracy’ in cosy joint interview with Trump – US politics live (www.theguardian.com)
154. 你只想倒帶,反覆觀看":讀者評選電影中最浪漫的時刻 ‘You just want to rewind and watch it again and again’: readers choose the most romantic moments in cinema (www.theguardian.com)
155. 裘德-貝林厄姆被禁賽兩場,裁判抨擊媒體說法 Jude Bellingham banned for two games as referee hits out at media claims (www.theguardian.com)
156. 當我臉紅的時候,我會紅得讓人指指點點。我該怎麼辦呢? When I blush, I get so red that people point it out. What should I do? (www.theguardian.com)
157. 曼聯向丹-阿什沃斯支付 410 萬英鎊,讓其在五個月後離隊 Manchester United paid Dan Ashworth 4.1m to leave after five months (www.theguardian.com)
158. 從塵土飛揚的球場到足球明星:查溫加姐妹的崛起 From dusty pitches to football stardom: the rise of the Chawinga sisters (www.theguardian.com)
159. 歐洲防務支出增加,BAE 系統公司報告訂單創歷史新高 BAE Systems reports record orders as European defence spending rises (www.theguardian.com)
160. 特朗普主義能被打敗嗎?當然可以。伯尼-桑德斯是這樣說的 Can Trumpism be defeated? Absolutely. Here’s how Bernie Sanders (www.theguardian.com)
161. 歐盟指責《人工智能法》留下 "毀滅性 "版權漏洞 EU accused of leaving ‘devastating’ copyright loophole in AI Act (www.theguardian.com)
162. 我們為人權付出了高昂代價":穿越新敘利亞的公路之旅 ‘We paid a high price for human rights’: a road trip through the new Syria (www.theguardian.com)
163. 我為國家服務了 20 年":變性軍人擔心他們的權利和榮譽受到侵犯 ‘I’ve served my country for 20 years’: trans military members fear an assault on their rights – and their honor (www.theguardian.com)
164. 可有可無:Covid-19 對無力抗擊病毒者的影響 Disposable: what Covid-19 did to those who couldn’t afford to fight the virus (www.theguardian.com)
165. 如何製作大黃麵包屑 - 食譜 Felicity Cloake''s Masterclass How to make rhubarb crumble – recipe Felicity Cloake''s Masterclass (www.theguardian.com)
166. 我把激情的吶喊悶在嗓子裡--但這聲音卻讓我的伴侶的少年心煩意亂 I muffle my cries of passion – but the noise is upsetting my partner’s teenager (www.theguardian.com)
167. 肯德基總部遷往低稅率州,將成為德克薩斯炸雞 KFC to become Texas fried chicken in HQ move to low-tax state (www.theguardian.com)
168. 烏克蘭人:談談您對美俄就烏克蘭戰爭和談的看法 Ukrainians: share your views on the US-Russia peace talks about the war in Ukraine (www.theguardian.com)
169. 社會讓我們隱形厄瓜多爾黑人為捍衛自己的文化而戰 ‘Society makes us invisible’: Black Ecuadorians fight to defend their culture (www.theguardian.com)
170. 凱爾特人在歐洲冠軍聯賽中的進步使他們再次成為一支強大的隊伍 Ewan Murray Celtic’s Champions League strides have made them a serious entity again Ewan Murray (www.theguardian.com)
171. 現在比以往任何時候都更適合成為真正的名人":為什麼喜劇演員正在接管電視遊戲節目? ‘It’s a better time than ever to be really famous’: why comedians are taking over TV gameshows (www.theguardian.com)
172. 特朗普高官在司法部執行總統的政治議程 Top Trump official enforcing president’s political agenda at justice department (www.theguardian.com)
173. 美國和歐洲正處於十字路口。新的世界秩序正在形成 The US and Europe are at a crossroads. A new world order is emerging (www.theguardian.com)
174. 柯倫拜槍擊案倖存者在大屠殺中癱瘓 26 年後去世 Columbine shooting survivor dies 26 years after being paralyzed in massacre (www.theguardian.com)
175. 新西蘭的旅遊宣傳不是世界上最糟糕的--我應該知道 Arwa Mahdawi New Zealand’s tourism campaign is not the world’s worst – and I should know Arwa Mahdawi (www.theguardian.com)
176. 恩妮迪-奧科拉福的《作者之死》評論--一位進入主流社會的 SF 大師 Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor review – an SF master moves into the mainstream (www.theguardian.com)
177. 2025 年 CPAC 大會將徹底 "神化 "特朗普 ‘The deification of Trump will be complete’ at CPAC 2025 (www.theguardian.com)
178. 緊急追查":舉報人案件揭露白廳對喀布爾動物空運的關注 ‘Pursue this urgently’: whistleblower case reveals Whitehall focus on Kabul animal airlift (www.theguardian.com)
179. 費特曼:從桑德斯式的進步人士到特朗普式的參議員 Fetterman flight: from Sanders-style progressive to Trump-adjacent senator (www.theguardian.com)
180. 澤連斯基稱特朗普將俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭歸咎於 "虛假信息空間" - 歐洲現場報道 Zelenskyy says Trump living in ‘disinformation space’ after blaming Ukraine for Russian invasion – Europe live (www.theguardian.com)
181. 僅存的最後一株植物":拉帕努伊滅絕的樹木能否復活? ‘The last plant left’: can Rapa Nui’s extinct tree be resurrected? (www.theguardian.com)
182. 研究表明,環境比基因對早逝風險更重要 Environment more crucial than genes in risk of early death, study suggests (www.theguardian.com)
183. 特朗普接管加沙不會發生。但它已經改變了以色列政治的面貌。 Trump’s Gaza takeover won’t happen. But it has already changed the face of Israeli politics Yair Wallach (www.theguardian.com)
184. 為什麼《完全未知》應該獲得奧斯卡最佳影片? Why A Complete Unknown should win the best picture Oscar (www.theguardian.com)
185. 滑雪登山先鋒克里斯蒂娜-盧斯滕貝格爾講述 "極度危險空間 "中的生活 Pioneering ski-mountaineer Christina Lustenberger on life in a ‘wildly dangerous space’ (www.theguardian.com)
186. 正義兄弟樂隊的比爾-梅德利:"我經歷過一些真正的低谷 The Righteous Brothers’ Bill Medley: ‘I’ve had some real downs’ (www.theguardian.com)
187. 我是馬丁-帕爾》影評--對英國靈感攝影師悲喜劇的愉快研究 I Am Martin Parr review – enjoyable study of tragicomic Britain’s inspired photographer (www.theguardian.com)
188. 蒂姆-明肖爾(Tim Minshall)的《你的生活是人造的》評論--客觀教訓 Your Life Is Manufactured by Tim Minshall review – object lessons (www.theguardian.com)
189. 死在拜倫灣附近海域的英國音樂製作人所使用的潛水裝備的維修記錄在審訊中引起混亂 Service log for scuba gear used by British music producer who died off Byron Bay source of confusion at inquest (www.theguardian.com)
190. 拉拉-李的魚柳和辣醬蛋黃醬三明治--食譜 Lara Lee’s fish finger and sriracha mayo sandwich – recipe (www.theguardian.com)
191. 詹姆斯-默多克吐露心聲,現實比我們--或《接班人》--想象的還要悲慘。 James Murdoch has spilled the beans, and the reality is more miserable than we – or Succession – ever imagined Zoe Williams (www.theguardian.com)
192. 查爾頓對中國:足球俱樂部與國家隊的碰撞 The Knowledge Charlton v China: when football club sides and national teams collide The Knowledge (www.theguardian.com)
193. 他們付出了一切羅傑斯為凱爾特人在最後時刻惜敗拜仁感到驕傲 ‘They gave everything’: Rodgers proud of Celtic after late defeat by Bayern (www.theguardian.com)
194. 詹姆斯-卡希爾的《紫羅蘭時刻》評論--藝術、秘密和謊言 The Violet Hour by James Cahill review – art, secrets and lies (www.theguardian.com)
195. 面孔》雜誌:文化轉變》雜誌評論--叛逆的時尚攝影,充滿喧鬧的樂趣 The Face Magazine: Culture Shift review – rebellious fashion photography with a raucous sense of fun (www.theguardian.com)
196. 高山冬季盛宴:奶酪、葡萄酒和法國雪地徒步旅行配菜 An alpine winter feast: cheese, wine and a side dish of snowshoeing in France (www.theguardian.com)
197. 改變我的時刻我認為我的丈夫是理所當然的--直到我在一次聚會上遇到了三個單身女人 A moment that changed me: I took my husband for granted – until I met three single women at a party (www.theguardian.com)
198. 西班牙經濟為何蓬勃發展?得益於移民--這證明仇外心理不會帶來好處 瑪麗亞-拉米雷斯 Why is Spain’s economy booming? Thanks to migration – which proves xenophobia doesn’t pay María Ramírez (www.theguardian.com)
199. 我還在這裡》影評--費爾南達-託雷斯堅毅的母性面具從未滑落 I’m Still Here review – Fernanda Torres’s stoic maternal mask never slips (www.theguardian.com)
200. 極右翼勢力的崛起、全球貿易和烏克蘭的未來:德國大選為何如此重要 - 視覺說明 The rise of the far right, global trade and Ukraine’s future: why the German election matters – visual explainer (www.theguardian.com)
201. 2025 年奧斯卡金像獎:最佳影片提名 - 評論、獎項和觀看地點 Oscars 2025: best picture nominees – reviews, awards and where to watch (www.theguardian.com)
202. 三名度假村工作人員在日本溫泉附近疑似煤氣中毒死亡 Three resort workers die in suspected gas poisoning near hot spring in Japan (www.theguardian.com)
203. 泰國發起大規模鎮壓行動,數千人從緬甸的非法詐騙團伙中獲救 Thousands rescued from illegal scam compounds in Myanmar as Thailand launches huge crackdown (www.theguardian.com)
204. 作為英國政府宣傳活動的一部分,影響者將敦促年輕人不要吸食毒品 Influencers to urge young people to not vape as part of UK government campaign (www.theguardian.com)
205. 薩爾瓦透露,蘇格蘭工黨要贏得下屆荷里路德議會選舉將面臨 "挑戰 Scottish Labour faces ‘challenge’ to win next Holyrood elections, Sarwar reveals (www.theguardian.com)
206. 特朗普時代的自由主義焦慮症?從《布里奇特-瓊斯日記》中汲取靈感吧 Rafael Behr Afflicted with liberal angst in the age of Trump? Take a leaf from Bridget Jones’s diary Rafael Behr (www.theguardian.com)
207. 停播:塔利班正在一個接一個地消除阿富汗電臺中女性的聲音 Off air: One by one, the Taliban are removing women’s voices from Afghan radio (www.theguardian.com)
208. 加巴是大腦的開關":加巴也能改善睡眠、讓人清醒、減少焦慮嗎? ‘Gaba is the off switch of the brain’: Is it also the answer to better sleep, sobriety and less anxiety? (www.theguardian.com)
209. 英國消息人士稱,減少軍隊數量可確保烏克蘭安全 Security for Ukraine could be achieved with fewer troops, say UK sources (www.theguardian.com)
210. 馬斯克和特朗普在肖恩-漢尼提的採訪中大秀恩愛 Musk and Trump put on lovefest in Sean Hannity interview (www.theguardian.com)
211. 歐洲國防開支為何需要大膽的新方法 Why Europe’s defence spending may need a bold new approach (www.theguardian.com)
212. 研究發現:當人類穿著不同時,野生魚類也能分辨出來 Wild fish can tell humans apart when they dress differently, study finds (www.theguardian.com)
213. 特朗普指責烏克蘭與俄羅斯開戰,稱烏克蘭本可達成協議 Trump blames Ukraine over war with Russia, saying it could have made a deal (www.theguardian.com)
214. 特朗普政府切斷對孤身移民兒童的法律援助 Trump administration cuts off legal aid for unaccompanied immigrant children (www.theguardian.com)
215. 150 多頭鯨魚擱淺在塔斯馬尼亞西北部偏遠地區的海灘上 More than 150 whales stranded on beach in remote north-western Tasmania (www.theguardian.com)
216. 真相》評論--朱利安-阿桑奇的劇作艱苦卓絕,但也有閃光之處 Truth review – Julian Assange play is hard going, with flashes of brilliance (www.theguardian.com)
218. 雅伊爾-博爾索納羅被指控策劃極右翼政變,企圖在巴西奪權 Jair Bolsonaro charged over alleged far-right coup plot to seize power in Brazil (www.theguardian.com)
219. 成熟點":凱文-史派西回應蓋-皮爾斯稱他 "針對 "他的指控 ‘Grow up’: Kevin Spacey responds to Guy Pearce’s allegation that he ‘targeted’ him (www.theguardian.com)
220. Billie Eilish 評論--咆哮、誘惑和純粹的狂喜時刻 Billie Eilish review – snarls, seduction and moments of sheer rapture (www.theguardian.com)
221. 戴維斯為拜仁在歐洲冠軍聯賽中的絕殺攻破凱爾特人的球門 Davies’ late strike for Bayern breaks Celtic hearts in Champions League (www.theguardian.com)
222. The Jam 樂隊鼓手裡克-巴克勒因病去世,享年 69 歲 Rick Buckler, drummer of The Jam, dies aged 69 after short illness (www.theguardian.com)
223. 活動人士稱,蘇丹準軍事組織在為期三天的襲擊中殺害了 200 多人 Sudan paramilitary group kills more than 200 people in three-day attack, activists say (www.theguardian.com)
224. 教皇方濟各在早前呼吸道感染的基礎上又患上了雙重肺炎 Pope Francis has double pneumonia on top of earlier respiratory tract infection (www.theguardian.com)
225. 歐洲冠軍聯賽季後賽:費耶諾德的卡蘭薩送 10 人米蘭出局 Champions League playoffs: Feyenoord’s Carranza sends 10-man Milan crashing out (www.theguardian.com)
226. 白宮稱馬斯克只是一名顧問,無權做出決定 Musk is just an adviser with no power to make decisions, White House claims (www.theguardian.com)
227. 內華達州法官將圖帕克-夏庫爾謀殺案嫌疑人的審判推遲至 2026 年 Trial of suspect in Tupac Shakur’s murder delayed to 2026 by Nevada judge (www.theguardian.com)
228. 安德魯-泰特的據稱受害者敦促美國不要介入羅馬尼亞的刑事訴訟程序 Andrew Tate’s alleged victims urge US to stay out of Romanian criminal proceedings (www.theguardian.com)
229. 喀布爾撤僑舉報人勝訴英國政府 Kabul evacuation whistleblower wins case against UK government (www.theguardian.com)
230. 聯合國人權機構指責盧旺達支持的民兵在剛果民主共和國東部殺害兒童 UN human rights body accuses Rwanda-backed militia of killing children in eastern DRC (www.theguardian.com)
231. 皇馬的裁判陰謀為曼城之行蒙上陰影 Real Madrid’s referee conspiracies overshadow Manchester City’s visit (www.theguardian.com)
232. 美俄磨刀霍霍,烏克蘭和歐洲只能坐以待斃 Ukraine and Europe made to sit outside as US and Russia sharpen their carving knives (www.theguardian.com)
233. 拜仁慕尼黑對陣凱爾特人:歐洲冠軍聯賽附加賽第二回合--直播 Bayern Munich v Celtic: Champions League playoff round, second leg – live (www.theguardian.com)
234. 衛報》對特朗普外交的看法:當美國知道代價而忽視價值觀時 社論 The Guardian view on Trump’s diplomacy: when the US knows the price and ignores values Editorial (www.theguardian.com)
235. 被指控為邪教組織 "齊齊安 "領導人的人被捕後將被關押,不得保釋 Alleged leader of cultlike ‘Zizian’ group to be held without bail after arrest (www.theguardian.com)
236. 哈馬斯稱將交出比巴斯一家的屍體並釋放六名人質 Hamas says it will hand over bodies of Bibas family and free six hostages (www.theguardian.com)
237. 試圖掩埋歷史":獲奧斯卡提名的《鎳男孩》背後的真實故事 ‘History was attempted to be buried’: the true story behind Oscar-nominated Nickel Boys (www.theguardian.com)
238. 隨著人工智能競爭的加劇,埃隆-馬斯克的初創公司推出了新的 Grok-3 聊天機器人 Elon Musk’s startup rolls out new Grok-3 chatbot as AI competition intensifies (www.theguardian.com)
239. 男人先說 "我愛你"--但他們真的比女人更浪漫嗎? Men say ‘I love you’ first – but are they really more romantic than women? (www.theguardian.com)
240. 原住民活動家倫納德-佩爾蒂爾獲釋:"終於自由了 Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier released from prison: ‘finally free’ (www.theguardian.com)
241. 這已經成為我生活的一部分斯蒂芬-格雷厄姆(Stephen Graham)在《千鈞一髮》中飾演的拳擊手。 ‘It’s now part of my life’: Stephen Graham on shredding to be a buff boxer in A Thousand Blows (www.theguardian.com)
242. 拍好照片,擁抱應用程序:如何開始約會 Take good pictures and embrace the apps: how to start dating (www.theguardian.com)
243. 軟木包裹的倫敦房子 "讓人感覺舒適而平靜 ‘It feels enveloping and calming’: the London house wrapped in cork (www.theguardian.com)
244. 警方稱 AK-47 步槍襲擊巴西市長是為競選連任造勢 AK-47 attack on Brazil mayor was set-up to boost re-election bid, police claim (www.theguardian.com)
245. 新錄像顯示達美航空飛機在多倫多著陸時翻轉,火光沖天 New footage shows Delta plane flipping over in fiery crash landing in Toronto (www.theguardian.com)
246. 圭亞那六名士兵在與疑似委內瑞拉匪幫的衝突中受傷 Six soldiers in Guyana injured in clash with suspected Venezuela-based gang (www.theguardian.com)
247. 馬斯克在政府中的橫衝直撞告訴我們如何才能最終揭開特朗普主義的真面目 Osita Nwanevu Musk’s rampage through government shows us how we can finally close the book on what Trumpism is all about Osita Nwanevu (www.theguardian.com)
248. 引發豬叫聲!德州電鋸殺人狂》的配樂是如何在首次發行時重新拼接的? Cue the pig squeal! How The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’s score was stitched back together for its first release (www.theguardian.com)
249. 奈傑爾-法拉奇呼籲英國再工業化並提高出生率 Nigel Farage calls for reindustrialisation of Britain and higher birthrates (www.theguardian.com)
251. 衛報》讀者:與我們分享您的最佳近照 Guardian Weekly readers: share your best recent pictures with us (www.theguardian.com)
252. 埃隆-馬斯克一直帶著孩子上班--原因一點也不可愛 Arwa Mahdawi Elon Musk keeps bringing his kids to work – and the reasons aren’t cute at all Arwa Mahdawi (www.theguardian.com)
253. 他們的工作室被燒燬。他們的藝術作品被毀。100 位洛杉磯藝術家在火災中的殘存作品新展 Their studios burned. Their art was destroyed. A new exhibit of the remaining works of 100 LA artists devastated by fire (www.theguardian.com)
254. 埃裡克-亞當斯、特朗普和一個考驗法治的紐約故事 Eric Adams, Trump and a New York story that’s stress-testing the rule of law (www.theguardian.com)
255. 死亡三角":意大利能否最終解決黑手黨傾倒有毒廢物的問題? ‘Triangle of death’: will Italy finally tackle mafia’s toxic waste dumping? (www.theguardian.com)
256. 美俄兩國在利雅得舉行烏克蘭問題會談後將探討建立更密切的關係 US and Russia to explore closer relations after Ukraine talks in Riyadh (www.theguardian.com)
257. 北倫敦再次染紅,世界女足聯賽四強全部獲勝:女足週刊 - 播客 North London is red again as WSL’s top four all win: Women’s Football Weekly - podcast (www.theguardian.com)
258. 前所未有的局面環保局洛杉磯野火清理計劃因有毒危險引發抗議 ‘An unprecedented situation’: EPA plan for LA wildfire cleanup stirs protests over toxic dangers (www.theguardian.com)
259. 孩子們開始上學時無法坐立或握筆--我知道罪魁禍首是誰 Kathryn Peckham Children are starting school unable to sit up or hold a pencil – and I know the culprit Kathryn Peckham (www.theguardian.com)
260. Get Shorty:對電影業的瘋狂而充滿愛意的惡搞 Get Shorty: a madcap, loving spoof of the film biz (www.theguardian.com)
261. 接地 "的支持者說它能幫助我們與地球的電荷重新接軌--但這種說法並不靠譜 抗病毒藥物 ‘Grounding’ proponents say it helps us realign with the Earth’s electric charge – but the claims don’t land Antiviral (www.theguardian.com)
262. 如何用完一罐椰奶的殘渣 廚房助手 How to use up the remains of a can of coconut milk Kitchen aide (www.theguardian.com)
263. 敘利亞當局逮捕涉嫌與臭名昭著的塔達蒙大屠殺有關的三名男子 Syrian authorities arrest three men with suspected links to notorious Tadamon massacre (www.theguardian.com)
264. 8100 萬英鎊啟動氣候臨界點預警系統 Early warning system for climate tipping points given 81m kickstart (www.theguardian.com)
265. 成千上萬的遊客湧向埃特納火山噴發現場,阻斷了救援服務 Thousands of tourists flock to see Etna eruption, blocking rescue services (www.theguardian.com)
266. 消息人士稱,美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)審查馬斯克 Neuralink 公司的工作人員是最新解僱的聯邦官員之一 FDA staff reviewing Musk’s Neuralink among latest federal firings, sources say (www.theguardian.com)
267. 他針對我蓋-皮爾斯說他為凱文-史派西的遭遇 "泣不成聲 ‘He targeted me’: Guy Pearce says he ‘sobbed’ over Kevin Spacey encounters (www.theguardian.com)
268. 野蠻人》導演 Brady Corbet 表示,他從這部電影中賺到的錢 "為零"。 The Brutalist director Brady Corbet says he has made ‘zero dollars’ from the film (www.theguardian.com)
269. 沒有小額交易,沒有廢話約瑟夫-法雷斯談《分裂小說》和合作電子遊戲的樂趣 ‘No micro transactions, no bullshit’: Josef Fares on Split Fiction and the joy of co-op video games (www.theguardian.com)
270. 前進的道路是明確的":特朗普上臺如何 "加速 "氣候問責工作 ‘The path forward is clear’: how Trump taking office has ‘turbocharged’ climate accountability efforts (www.theguardian.com)
271. 更多節奏,更少算法:為什麼 Deezer 的老闆誓言讓用戶掌控自己的音樂? More rhythm, less algorithm: why Deezer’s boss is vowing to put users in control of their music (www.theguardian.com)
272. 克里斯特-米歇爾在 2017 年為特朗普獻唱。反彈持續多年:"我以為他們永遠不會停止恨我 Chrisette Michelle sang for Trump in 2017. The backlash lasted years: ‘I thought they’d never stop hating me’ (www.theguardian.com)
273. 在伊朗被拘留的英國人克雷格和林賽-福爾曼被控從事間諜活動 Britons Craig and Lindsay Foreman detained in Iran charged with espionage (www.theguardian.com)
274. 最重要的是瞭解真相":克勞德-朗茲曼如何打破常規創作《浩劫》? ‘The most important thing was getting to the truth’: how Claude Lanzmann broke all the rules to create Shoah (www.theguardian.com)
275. 沙丘:彌賽亞》會是維倫紐瓦的最高成就,還是香料枯竭的時刻? Will Dune: Messiah be Villeneuve’s crowning achievement, or the moment the spice runs dry? (www.theguardian.com)
276. 誰贏了?誰在乎?女子足球俱樂部對記分的歡樂反叛 Who’s winning? Who cares! Gals FC’s joyful rebellion against keeping score (www.theguardian.com)
277. 奈傑爾-法拉奇稱保守黨 "沒有以任何可衡量的方式站在右翼",並稱工黨政府 "悲慘" - 英國政治直播 Nigel Farage says Tories ‘not on the right in any measurable way’ and calls Labour government ‘miserable’ – UK politics live (www.theguardian.com)
278. 奈傑爾-斯萊特的牛油果、米飯和鷹嘴豆食譜 Nigel Slater’s recipe for avocado, rice and chickpeas (www.theguardian.com)
279. 特朗普和新右翼如何 "擁有 "未來--同時顯然又在利用過去 Jonathan White How Trump and the new right came to ‘own’ the future – while apparently exploiting the past Jonathan White (www.theguardian.com)
280. 簡直毀了我的整個週末":關於新《白蓮花》主題曲的爭論 ‘Quite literally ruined my whole weekend’: the row over the new White Lotus theme tune (www.theguardian.com)
281. Placebo 樂隊主唱布萊恩-莫爾科(Brian Molko)被控稱梅洛尼為 "法西斯主義者 "和 "種族主義者"。 Placebo frontman Brian Molko charged with calling Meloni ‘fascist’ and ‘racist’ (www.theguardian.com)
282. 大衛-斯奎爾斯(David Squires)談......在萬事萬物中讚美足球之美 David Squires on … celebrating the beauty in football amid everything else (www.theguardian.com)
283. 對於國際米蘭和梅西來說,一個決定俱樂部命運的賽季正在等待著他們 For Inter Miami and Lionel Messi, a club-defining season awaits (www.theguardian.com)
284. 九月說》回顧--強烈的孿生姐妹情結導致愛爾蘭鄉村發生怪事 September Says review – intense twin-sister bond lead to things getting strange in rural Ireland (www.theguardian.com)
285. 在擁擠的醫院病房裡,我從一位可愛的女士身上學到了什麼 Zoe Williams What I learned from a lovely woman on a packed ward in hospital Zoe Williams (www.theguardian.com)
286. 民主黨全國委員會主席在與特朗普鬥爭的第一份備忘錄中概述了支持工人和工會的重點 DNC chair outlines pro-worker, union focus in first memo in fight against Trump (www.theguardian.com)
287. 多好的項目,多好的挑戰!":非洲頂級建築師為托馬斯-桑卡拉提供了一個適當的休息場所 ‘What a project, what a challenge!’: Africa’s leading architect gives Thomas Sankara a proper place of rest (www.theguardian.com)
288. 美國政治直播:紐約市長的四名副手因腐敗指控引發的混亂而辭職 US politics live: four deputies to New York’s mayor resign over chaos surrounding corruption charges (www.theguardian.com)
289. 梵蒂岡因病取消教皇方濟各的週末活動 Vatican cancels Pope Francis’s weekend events owing to illness (www.theguardian.com)
290. 建築師警告脫歐後的簽證規定將阻礙招聘工作 Architects warn post-Brexit visa rules hindering recruitment (www.theguardian.com)
291. 為什麼艾米莉亞-佩雷斯應該獲得奧斯卡最佳影片? Why Emilia Pérez should win the best picture Oscar (www.theguardian.com)
292. 失落的唱片:Bloom & Rage (Tape One)》影評--在巧妙的青少年驚悚片中回到騷亂的夏天 Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (Tape One) review – go back to a riot grrrl summer in clever teen thriller (www.theguardian.com)
293. 大寫字母之死:為什麼 Z 世代喜歡小寫字母? The death of capital letters: why gen Z loves lowercase (www.theguardian.com)
294. 卡塔裡娜-馬卡里奧的美國國家隊迴歸和年輕前輩將如何影響 "她相信杯"? How Catarina Macario’s USWNT return and young prospects will impact SheBelieves Cup (www.theguardian.com)
295. 對於那些加入特朗普反對多元化鬥爭的首席執行官們,我想說的是:你們犯了一個大錯 Stefan Stern To the CEOs who’ve joined Trump’s fight against diversity, I say this: you’re making a big mistake Stefan Stern (www.theguardian.com)
296. 雙屏幕:野獸遊戲》模糊了 YouTube 和電視之間的界限 Double screen: Beast Games blurs the line between YouTube and television (www.theguardian.com)
298. 生日》影評--科裡-費爾德曼(Corey Feldman)的邪典電影在電影荒蕪 20 年後終於面世 The Birthday review – cult Corey Feldman movie arrives after 20 years in film wilderness (www.theguardian.com)
299. 我迷上了會清理其他魚類的魚:它們會記住自己的顧客,就像美髮師一樣 I’m obsessed with fish that clean other fish: they remember their clients, much like a hairdresser (www.theguardian.com)
300. 戰爭中的總統:戰爭如何塑造了美國領導人 Presidents at War: how battle has shaped American leaders (www.theguardian.com)